Liquor Licence
Liquor Licence
Subject to the provisions of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 and any conditions specified in the licence, the licensee is authorised to supply liquor up to and including 31 December 2024.
This licence is a Limited Licence and authorises the licensee to supply liquor as part of a gift package on the licensed premises and such other permitted premises referred to, for consumption off the licensed premises and permitted premises, together with and ancillary to the sale or supply of any other merchandise which is not liquor during the trading hours specified below.
1. The amount of liquor sold or supplied must not exceed 1.5 litres in respect of any package.
2. The liquor must be sold or supplied in sealed containers, bottles or cans for consumption off the premises.
3. The liquor must not be delivered to or left with any person under the age of 18 years.
4. The liquor must not be displayed on the premises except in the package in which it is to be sold with other merchandise under this licence.
5. The permitted area at premises other than the licensed premises, be confined to that area allocated to the licensee by the organisers, for the duration of fete, festival, show, display or like occasion.
6. That for the supply of liquor at the permitted premises, the licensee has the written approval of the organiser permitting the sale of gift packages containing liquor, subject to conditions 1 - 4 inclusive.
7. The licensee must give the licensing inspector for the area in which the permitted premises are located, at least seven (7) days notice prior to the first day of operation, of:
(i) The dates and times of the proposed days of operation.
(ii) The address of the premises at which it is proposed to operate the licence.
(iii) The area within the premises from which it is proposed that the licence operates.
Supply of liquor via the internet under this licence shall be at "www.australianwineandfood.com.au"
At the licensed premises – Sunday to Saturday Between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
At the permitted premises – For the duration of the festival, fete, show, display or like occasion, but not before 10 a.m. on a Sunday, or 12 noon on a Good Friday or Anzac Day.