Signature Gin 500ml
Signature Gin 500ml
Juniper, Lime, Star Anise, Green Cardamom, Coriander Seed, Pomegranate Seed and Cinnamon give depth and balance to the profile. It's not your standard gin!! Drink over ice, with your favourite tonic/soda or put it in your favourite cocktail 45% abv. Gold London Spirit Awards 2023.
100% produce of Australia
Please contact Australian Wine & Food to assist with building your hamper and gift giving requirements.
Depending on your order, goods can be shipped directly from the producer or from Australian Wine & Food facilities in Kensington, Victoria to any Australian location.
A return can be made within 30 days of purchase. Items are unopened and in their original condition. You have acceptable proof of purchase. Please contact Australian Wine & Food if your require further information.